OMG! OMG! OMGoshhhhhh! Last night i had the greatest dream ever! It was about me and my fav actress. Guess who was it~ Ha haa! It was super miss gorgeous KRISTEN STEWART!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! I cant believe it too. Well, i dunno how we got to meet but the dream just started with a conversation. The dream took place in one of the Twilight sets. Kristen was inviting me to her honeymoon shooting and she insisted that i come along. Crazy right????!!!!! Ha ha. We were practically like friends, more specifically, we were BEST FRIENDS! :DD And guess another one, Taylor (Jacob) was also there. He was doing his stunt practice with a sport car. I think it was the scene where he brought one of the Cullen's car in BD. Ha ha. He treated me nicely too with all the hi-5. After that there was a not so short but not so long conversation between me and Kristen but i forgot whats it about. Awwww mannnnn.. :( Hmm. Its okay. The best part is that i got the chance to talk to her right. Even though it was just a dream i had. Ohh ya, Robert (Edward) was no where to be seen that time. Ha ha. Im going crazy with the dream. Ohh my gawd!! :D
I love you so much Kristen!!!!!!!! Wish we can "meet" again. Ha ha. Ohh how i hope the cast of Twilight will come to Malaysia!!! I would love to meet them!! :D Im such a Twilighter! Goshhhh... *giggling*
I'll post more soon. Trying to force myself to remember the dream! :P
Good day all. See you soon.
In crazy mode for Kristen Stewart,
Jilly :DDDDD
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